Anxiety of the First Vacation

So today, we took our first "out of state, road trip" with our 4.5 month old. I could feel the anxiety building the moment we decided to take this trip. My mind went ballistic. The most ridiculous scenarios played through my head. "What if she got hungry, I couldn't heat the bottle fast enough and she lost her breath crying? What if the bottle warmer all the sudden didn't work? What if we stopped for gas and someone stole our car while I'm changing her diaper? What if she all the sudden hated her car seat and screamed the whole way? What if I forgot her medicine? What if we got lost?" When something good is happening, you can count of me to expect the worst. I hate that about myself. We were coming to see family and go to the beach. I should be focusing on how her first reaction to the beach is, how excited everyone is to see her, it's our first family vacation and it was a break from work. I'm so blessed, yet I let my mind take the joy in the little things. I also hate that about myself. It seems as if anything out of the "norm" absolutely stresses me out. I'm not crazy about change and am completely satisfied with our schedule for every day life. I can only pray the Lord takes away all my anxiety and nervousness and I can thoroughly enjoy this experience and, more importantly, never miss an unforgettable moment with my sweet baby.


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